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Will Football/Soccer Ever End?


Football is widely regarded as one of the most popular sports globally, if not the most popular. Billions of people worldwide are avid viewers of football, and its popularity shows no signs of waning. Considering the continuous surge of interest and its ever-increasing virality, it is highly unlikely that football will ever come to an end.

Reasons Why Football/Soccer Will Never End


Football is full of emotion and joy. The joy derived from it is almost second to none. Millions of fans watching their club or national team play always have a lot of passion they derived from it. Some fans have waited for decades to see their team win a special trophy.

Imagine Arsenal winning the Champions League, which they’ve never won before. Or England lifting the World Cup trophy after over five decades of waiting. Whenever England plays in any prestigious competition, this phrase goes viral “It’s coming home,” meaning we’re winning the competition this time.

The anticipation, joy, and emotion football always bring to the teams, fans, or national teams is almost second to none. Football fans will always continue to watch the sport for these reasons. So with this, football as a sport will never end. We can also see the joy in Argentina when Lionel Messi and Argentina won the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

Argentina Fans Celebrating Winning the World Cup in Buenos Aires

Dream Fulfillment

Football creates many opportunities for everyone who wants to become a player. You just have to showcase your abilities on the world stage to excel. You don’t have to be rich or come from a rich home to become a renowned footballer.

Sadio Mane is a global football superstar who hails from Bambali, Senegal. In his village, no one pursued professional football, and his family, unaware of his football ambitions, considered his dedication a waste of time.

Nevertheless, driven by his exceptional skills and talent, Mane ventured on a football journey that ultimately led him to fulfill his dreams in Europe. Instances like Mane’s story further exemplify why football will never end—it serves as a platform that brings forth opportunities and enables individuals to realize their dreams.

Easy Setup

The beauty of football lies in its accessibility. Unlike other sports, football can be played anywhere without requiring expensive grass setups or specific requirements. People often engage in football matches on the streets or on substandard grass, demonstrating that the game can be enjoyed in various settings.

Sometimes, we even witness individuals playing football on sandy terrain as long as they enjoy the game. Its ease of setup and adaptability to any location further solidifies the notion that football is a sport that can never fade away.

Economic Benefits

A renowned competition like the Premier League or FIFA World Cup generates a lot of revenue for the country. Many fans will come from different parts of the world to see their team play, boosting the country’s economy.

We can also see the Saudi Arabian clubs making significant investments in European players, aiming to promote the Saudi League and attract a larger fan base. If the Saudi League attains global recognition similar to that of the Premier League, it has the potential to generate significant revenue for the country. This further solidifies the notion that football is an enduring sport that will never cease to exist.


Football generates a multitude of job opportunities for various individuals. If football were to cease today, countless people would lose their jobs, leading to a substantial negative impact on the global economy. This highlights yet another reason why football is destined never to end.


Drawing upon my extensive knowledge and experience of over 10 years in watching football, I firmly believe that the sport will continue to thrive as long as life exists. However, I do acknowledge the possibility of the sport evolving over time.